'Webbed ' Tables
A 'Web look' can be imparted to your documents by using a Web formatting style. Select the Table and fro the Table menu, select Table AutoFormat. in the list of styles in the Formats box, three new Web styles have been added. Click on any of them for a 'Webby' look.
Watermark Your Documents
Creating your own watermark for professional looking documents is pretty simple in Work. First go to view > Header and Footer and click on the Show/Hide Text toolbar button located on the Header and Footer toolbar (insert icon image). This should temporarily hide the text. Now you can insert a graphics object using Clip Art, Word Art or even AutoShape. Place the graphics where you want it to be seen, and adjust the color of the watermark by right clicking on the object and choosing properties.
Convert Tables to Plain Old Text
Sometimes copying to and fro with a browser result in unwanted tables being created. this can be easily removed by converting into individual paragraphs and click on Table to Text option under Convert in the Table menu. the separation character can also be specified instead of normal column lines using the "Separate text with" option
Center Text Vertically
Text in Word can be centered horizontally as well as vertically. For the vertical centering, open File > Page Setup and click on the Layout tab. Select the Center option in the Alignment pill-down menu. Format you r document as usual and view its positioning using the print preview button.
Get Rid of Curly Quotes
Typing quotes in Word results in straight quotes being converted to small quoted automatically. This is done by Autocorrect function. Pressing Ctrl+Z (Shortcut for Undo) after typing single or double quoted will give you straight quotes. To permanently turn the feature off, click on Tools > Autocorrect > AutoFormat as you type and disable Straight quotes with smart quotes.
Collate Documents
Collating documents copies can be done automatically in Word. To collate documents while you print, click on the Print option from the File menu and click the "Collate" check box in the Copies heading. then fill the number of copies you want tin the box labeled "Number of copies". Simple click Print to get the collated multiple copes you want.
Bring Straying Lines Back Into Fold
A cool feature for your squeezers; get those extra lines on the last page of your document. Click on File > Print Preview. in the Print Preview window, click the Shrink to Fit button to fit the few overflowing lines onto the last page.
Create Email Signatures
Word allows you to create multiple signatures for your emails created in Word. To create to add a new signature, go to Tools > Options and click on the General tab, click the Email Option button. Type the signature it the text box below, type its name and click Add to add it to the set of signatures you can use. You can also set the default signatures for New and Forwarded/Replied Messages.
Checking out synonyms of a word generally involves looking it up in the thesaurus in the Tools > Language menu. A faster way is to just select the word and right click it. In the menu, select synonyms and you will be presented with a list of synonyms to choose from. You can also click on Thesaurus to lookup more synonyms. often, Word will also present a few antonyms when you know what you don't mean to say.